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Getting started

About use-coordination

Coordinated multiple views (CMV) is a technique developed in the field of information visualization. CMV enables different visualizations, or views more generally, to be linked on arbitrary subsets of properties.

use-coordination is a JavaScript library for implementing CMV in React-based visualization systems.

Why do I need a library?

Of course CMV is straightforward to implement using React alone by "lifting state" and using prop drilling. However, use-coordination provides several benefits:

  • Dynamically modify which subsets of properties are coordinated together, without any change to the application code
  • Based on a coordination model from the information visualization literature
  • Entire coordination space is serializable to a JSON representation
  • Uses Zustand store internally to avoid the need for prop drilling across views
  • React hook-based API to simplify developer mental model (not event-based)
  • Provides an object-oriented API for construction of JSON specification
  • Supports multi-level coordination allowing for coordination of hierarchical state
  • Supports meta-coordination allowing for storing coordination scope mapping in the coordination space