Easily implement coordinated multiple views
npm install use-coordination
Coordinated Multiple Views
In this most basic example, the views are sliders, coordinated on a single property (their numeric value). Watch how the JSON representation updates in response to changes.
{ "key": 1, "coordinationSpace": { "sliderValue": { "A": 0.5, "B": 0.75, "C": 0.25 } }, "viewCoordination": { "slider1": { "coordinationScopes": { "sliderValue": "A" } }, "slider2": { "coordinationScopes": { "sliderValue": "B" } }, "slider3": { "coordinationScopes": { "sliderValue": "C" } } } }
Multiple view types
Different view types can be coordinated on the same set of coordination types. For example, both the slider views and the numeric text views are coordinated on the sliderValue
coordination type below.
{ "key": 1, "coordinationSpace": { "value": { "A": 0.5, "B": 0.75, "C": 0.25, "D": 0.1 } }, "viewCoordination": { "view1": { "coordinationScopes": { "value": "A" } }, "view2": { "coordinationScopes": { "value": "A" } }, "view3": { "coordinationScopes": { "value": "B" } }, "view4": { "coordinationScopes": { "value": "B" } } } }
Multiple coordination types
Views can be coordinated on multiple coordination types. For example, these "colorful slider" views support both a numeric value and an RGB color array.
{ "key": 1, "coordinationSpace": { "value": { "A": 0.5, "B": 0.75, "C": 0.25 }, "color": { "A": [ 255, 0, 0 ], "B": [ 0, 255, 0 ], "C": [ 0, 0, 255 ] } }, "viewCoordination": { "view1": { "coordinationScopes": { "value": "A", "color": "A" } }, "view2": { "coordinationScopes": { "value": "B", "color": "B" } }, "view3": { "coordinationScopes": { "value": "C", "color": "C" } } } }
We introduce the concept of meta-coordination, i.e., storage of view--coordination scope mappings in the coordination space itself.
{ "key": 1, "coordinationSpace": { "sliderValue": { "A": 0.5, "B": 0.75, "C": 0.25 }, "metaCoordinationScopes": { "A": { "sliderValue": "A" }, "B": { "sliderValue": "B" }, "C": { "sliderValue": "C" } } }, "viewCoordination": { "slider1": { "coordinationScopes": { "metaCoordinationScopes": "A" } }, "slider2": { "coordinationScopes": { "metaCoordinationScopes": "B" } }, "slider3": { "coordinationScopes": { "metaCoordinationScopes": "C" } } } }
Multi-level coordination
We introduce the concept of multi-level coordination. This enables using a hierarchy of coordination scope mappings, while retaining access to the most fine-grained level of coordination. In this example, views 4, 5, and 6 are coordinated directly on the channelValues, while views 1, 2, and 3 are coordinated on arrays of channels.
{ "key": 1, "coordinationSpace": { "channel": { "R": "__dummy__", "G": "__dummy__", "B": "__dummy__" }, "channelValue": { "X": 128, "Y": 128, "Z": 255 } }, "viewCoordination": { "view1": { "coordinationScopes": { "channel": [ "R", "G", "B" ] }, "coordinationScopesBy": { "channel": { "channelValue": { "R": "X", "G": "Y", "B": "Z" } } } }, "view2": { "coordinationScopes": { "channel": [ "R", "G", "B" ] }, "coordinationScopesBy": { "channel": { "channelValue": { "R": "X", "G": "Y", "B": "Z" } } } }, "view3": { "coordinationScopes": { "channel": [ "R", "G", "B" ] }, "coordinationScopesBy": { "channel": { "channelValue": { "R": "X", "G": "Y", "B": "Z" } } } }, "view4": { "coordinationScopes": { "channelValue": "X" } }, "view5": { "coordinationScopes": { "channelValue": "Y" } }, "view6": { "coordinationScopes": { "channelValue": "Z" } } } }
Multi-level coordination and meta-coordination
Multi-level coordination works well with meta-coordination. We can store both the coordinationScopes and the coordinationScopesBy mappings in the coordination space.
{ "key": 1, "coordinationSpace": { "channel": { "R": "__dummy__", "G": "__dummy__", "B": "__dummy__" }, "channelValue": { "X": 128, "Y": 128, "Z": 255 }, "metaCoordinationScopes": { "A": { "channel": [ "R", "G", "B" ] }, "B": { "channelValue": "X" }, "C": { "channelValue": "Y" }, "D": { "channelValue": "Z" } }, "metaCoordinationScopesBy": { "A": { "channel": { "channelValue": { "R": "X", "G": "Y", "B": "Z" } } } } }, "viewCoordination": { "view1": { "coordinationScopes": { "metaCoordinationScopes": [ "A" ], "metaCoordinationScopesBy": [ "A" ] } }, "view2": { "coordinationScopes": { "metaCoordinationScopes": [ "A" ], "metaCoordinationScopesBy": [ "A" ] } }, "view3": { "coordinationScopes": { "metaCoordinationScopes": [ "A" ], "metaCoordinationScopesBy": [ "A" ] } }, "view4": { "coordinationScopes": { "metaCoordinationScopes": [ "B" ] } }, "view5": { "coordinationScopes": { "metaCoordinationScopes": [ "C" ] } }, "view6": { "coordinationScopes": { "metaCoordinationScopes": [ "D" ] } } } }